VHF-DX Toplist
(QRB always in km - no colon or dot)

Display VHF-DX Grids-Toplist / DXCC-Toplist / WAS-Toplist / EME-Initials-Toplist

534 139 633 19 311 14 243 116 62
84 172 90 51 25 10 4 3 15

Total entries :    2525     Unique Callsigns:   1108    Display Calls

Enter your standings here:


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The definition of a minimum valid QSO is that both stations have copied all of the following:
1. Both callsigns from the other station
2. Signal report from the other station (using TMO procedure and/or RST)                     New EME Mailinglist:
3. R's, from the other station, to acknowledge complete copy of 1 & 2                        http://lists.moonbounce.info/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/moon

All JT65 QSOs made using the Deep-Search Routine are not complying with 
long established EME QSO guidelines and are not eligible due to partial

You are strongly advised to only claim true numbers - otherwise your entry
may be deleted without notice (WSJT and CW/SSB).

Toplist 50MHz, Toplist 70MHz, Toplist 144MHz, Toplist 222MHz, Toplist 432MHz, Toplist 902MHz, Toplist 1296MHz, Toplist 2304MHz, Toplist 2320MHz, Toplist 2424MHz, Toplist 3400MHz,
Toplist 3456MHz, Toplist 5760MHz, Toplist 10368MHz, Toplist 10451MHz, Toplist 10GHz, Toplist 24048MHz, Toplist 24GHz, Toplist 47GHz, Toplist 76GHz, Toplist 145GHz, Toplist 241GHz
Toplist 6m, Toplist 4m, Toplist 2m, Toplist 1m, Toplist 70cm, Toplist 33cm, Toplist 23cm, Toplist 13cm, Toplist 9cm, Toplist 6cm, Toplist 3cm, Toplist 2cm
Toplist VHF, Toplist UHF, Toplist SHF, Toplist XHF, DXCC Toplist, WAS Toplist, Grids Toplist, EME Initial Toplist, WSJT Toplist